By Karin Rio
March 17, 2020
Decided to start a little series to report on what we do during that wonderful witching hour. You know that 4ish - 6ish time before dinner when everyone needs some fresh air and to burn off some energy. I have other working titles for this time of day: Wine Decision Time, Why The Hell Did We Have Kids Over 40?, Wish I Was Working Not Witching, etc. We live in town and don't have our own yard but we do have a couple good friends in our neighborhood with kids. So we often meet outside if we can to chat and just run around. This loose tradition has now taken on a bit more meaning. Collectively we have a 5 year old, a 4 year old, a 3 year old, a 1 year old, a 3 month old, 1 big dog, 1 handsome devil medium size poodle puppy ( my new baby), and 1 small dog. So during this evolving time I am hoping to meet more frequently and share activity ideas. Thought I'd try to pass that information along as we go through this tough time. Day 1: Red Light Green Light So we played a loose game of redlight/greenlight. There was no straight line or winner we just all ran around yelling on the somewhat muddy patch of grass in the neighborhood open space. Later, I looked up some things and realized we weren't playing by the rules, not even close. Here are those: Playworks red light green light and a very cool section of their website I've bookmarked now! Playworks Game Library We retreated to our homes for a potty break, to console one shy/cranky kid(mine) and get some chalk. Day 1: Sidewalk Chalk So we tried to teach them hopscotch. But that quickly dissolved into just doing sidewalk art, practicing writing names and letters, and the toddler just picking up chalk and walking around with it. Either way I did some research: Again the Playworks game library succinctly spells it out the Hopscotch rules. Found some very interesting history of Hopscotch, started a separate post on that. We are big on Disney's Frozen around here (who isn't these days, they are everywhere, amiright?). These chalk holders, so far, are working wonderfully. Disney Frozen 2 Kids Sidewalk Chalk Jumbo Chalks Set with Holders And my friend mentioned the glitter chalk is great, we'll try these soon. Crayola Outdoor Chalk, Glitter Sidewalk Chalk, Summer Toys, 5 Count Next, go to Google Images Search and search for - sidewalk chalk photos kids - amazing ideas in the results . We plan to try some of all that, so look out for a future post of our fun fails or some amazing kid chalk art! Could go either way. Hope this series is useful and that you come back.